为了提高书写代码的速度,我们会使用快捷键Ctrl+D(粘贴当前行或选中的内容到下一行),以前也整理过:Android Studio 默认的快捷键大全解释,这里有必要在说说快速代码模板生成常用的缩写。先看几个gif,后面告诉您在Android studio哪里看所有的和修改的地方,也会附录常用的。
2、快速生成public static final :psf
3、快速生成public static final String :psfs
4、快速生成public static final int :psfi
5、快速生成public static AppManager getInstance() {return mAppManager;}:geti
6、快速生成for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) {}:fori
这写我们可以在setting-->Live Templates里查看也可以进行编辑:
附 常用快速代码模板生成的缩写
(1).serr --->System.err.println("example")
(2).souf --->printf "example"
(3).sout --->println "example"
(4).soutm --->System.out.println("MainActivity.onCreate");//当前类的当前方法名
(5).soutp --->System.out.println("savedInstanceState = [" + savedInstanceState + "]");//这个好,可以打 印出当前方法的所有参数列表及其值
(6).soutv --->System.out.println("params",params);//即 你可以输出打印一个变量值
(1).fori --->for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) { }
(2).itar --->for (int i = 0; i < Array.length; i++) { int i1 = Array[i];}//遍历数组
(3).itco --->for (Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { }
(4).Object next = iterator.next();}//这个是遍历一个容器变量的,直接让容器返回一个iterator进行遍历
(5).iten --->while (枚举类.hasMoreElements()) { Object nextElement = 枚举类.nextElement(); }//enumeration 是一个枚举类接口来着。遍历枚举内容
(6).iter --->for (int i : FOCUSED_STATE_SET) {...}//遍历选中状态下的set
(7).itit --->while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object next = iterator.next(); }//获取到了迭代器对象后,对迭代器进行遍历操作
(8).itli --->for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object o = list.get(i); }//遍历list对象里面的内容
(9).ritar --->for (int i = Array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int i1 = FOCUSED_STATE_SET[i]; }//倒叙遍历数组
(10).geti --->public static MainActivity getInstance() { return ; }//获取到当前的实例 的代码模板
(11).ifn --->if (某变量 == null) {....}//生成if null代码块儿
(12).inn --->if (某变量 != null) {....}//生成if not null代码块儿
(13).inst --->if ($EXPR$ instanceof $TYPE$) { $TYPE$ $VAR1$ = ($TYPE$)$EXPR$; $END$ }//判断某变量是不是某个类的实例对象
(14).lazy --->if (savedInstanceState == null) { savedInstanceState = new Bundle(); }//执行延迟初始化,就是对象直到用的时候才进行初始化操作
(15).mn --->var1 = Math.min(var2,var3);//得到比较两个变量值小的代码块
(16).mx --->var1 = Math.max(var2,var3);//得到比较两个变量值大的代码块
(17).psvm --->public static void main(String[] args){ 。。。。 }//生成一个main()函数的代码块
(18).toar --->something.toArray(new collection[collection.size()])//这个是生成一个代码块用于把collection的对象存储到一个数组里面去.实用!
(1).psf --->public static final
(2).psfi --->public static final int
(3).psfs --->public static final String
(4).St --->String
(5).thr --->throw new
BTWE, inflation is deader than Jimmy Hoffa. Sure, oil blah, blah, blah. Oil is at an unsustainable level. It will come down again. US farmers are boosting acreages, looking at higher prices and even more federal subsidies. Commodities typically have bowo.s..fmllooed by busts. Nature of the beast. Gold? Can't tell you. The bulk of gold is sold in India and China for jewelry. It is going up with middle-class incomes in Chindia. Not related to US monetary policy.
Now I feel stpidu. That's cleared it up for me
Great, bing took me stright here. thanks btw for info. Cheers!